How a Settlement Conference Can Save You Thousands of Dollars and Keep Your Personal Life Private A settlement conference is a way to try and resolve a case without going to court. This process can be a cheaper and more private way to deal with the situation....
What About Next Time? Prenups for Second Marriages You are about to finalize your divorce, and hopefully have had a positive experience of planning for the next phase of your life. Divorce is not necessarily a failure. You worked hard during your marriage, but now you...
Benefits of Having a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst Long-term married couples or those with significant assets who are divorcing may face a lengthy process, especially as they attempt to negotiate asset division, child custody, financial support, and other...
Asking the Most Important Question in Divorce My parents divorced when I was nine and my brother was six. Well before anyone was hiring mediators or divorce coaches, they were solely focused on the goal of having a “good divorce”. This became the theme of my entire...
7 Ways to Prepare For Your Vacation After Divorce Our first vacations following my parents’ divorce were not easy. As my classmates were happily discussing how they would spend their free time, I was suffocating. Up to that point, every vacation had involved the whole...
Becoming the CEO of Your Divorce Is How You Can Survive It There are many tips on how to survive divorce, but have you ever heard of the motivational triad? It’s a concept from psychology. It is a powerful survival mechanism in humans that explains how our brains are...
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